What Our Patient Says !!!

My name is Dr. Aparna Mayekar professionally am a doctor and a playback singer. 10 years back I was told by a doctor to go for knee replacement surgery which I had not gone for. Incidentally during one of my singing concert, I met Sir and we discussed about my problem. During the discussion Sir assured me that I will be a sit properly with folded legs for long hours after the treatment that I was not able to do for all these days. After the 3rd sitting itself I could sit properly without any pain with folded legs for 15 minutes and the duration of the same is getting improved day after day. The best part is being able to dance during my singing stage shows without any problem whereas earlier I was not able to sleep at night due to acute pain post my stage shows. There used to be lot of pains in calves, joints etc. that I used to witness post the shows. Post the treatment, I have done a stage show where I have sung around 11 songs along with the usual dancing that I have been doing all these years during stage shows. At night I was expecting huge pain and to my utter surprise there was no pain experienced and I could sleep without any pains or problems. Am really Thankful to Sir for relieving me from the pain and problems that I have faced all these years.

Dr. Aparna Mayekar Kalyan
My name is Anagha and I was suffering from frozen shoulder since July 2017 and all the joints pain was started from Oct 2017. The pain was acute and there was a swelling on the joints. The doctor admitted me in the hospital and had given treatment however there was no improvement in my health. There was increased pain and weakness in my body. I have come to Sir's clinic and due to the course of the treatment provided by him, am feeling relaxed. I was not able to fold my fingers that has improved now and am able to hold my fist. There is also an improvement seen in my hands movements on the top and backwards in a single day of treatment.One boy aged around 13 years, met an accident on 28/4/2017 while travelling in a bus. He came to know that he has caught a wrong bus when he was told by the fellow passengers and he decided to step down. However by the time he jumped out of the bus the bus had just started to move and the boy fell down from the bus and was dragged for some distance till the bus actually stopped. Due to the accident, he had damaged his back and he was in acute pain. He was taken to the hospital where he was admitted for the treatment. It was found that the boy was not able to urinate and whenever he tried to do so, small amount blood was coming instead of urine. The doctor inserted a catheter for removing the urine and kept it for 4 days. On the 5th day catheter was removed and patient was discharged. The next day again he faced the similar problem (not able to urinate) and was again taken to the same hospital. The doctors were not able to find out and they referred him to some other hospital. The doctors at this new hospital put the catheter thorough urinary bladder directly for urination and treated the patient for 14 odd days however could not diagnose the problem. After around 40 odd days on 16/6/2017 the patient was taken to Sir's clinic for the treatment. On the first day itself Sir has noticed that there was a dislocation of a vertebra at his back due to which nerve to urinary bladder was compressed and hence the patient was not able to urinate. Sir also found out that there was a tear in Urebra due to which blood was coming while urinating. All these days the doctors who treated the patient were not able to find out this actual reason and hence were not able to treat the patient. He was treated for the back problem due to which he was not able to walk properly. Post the treatment he started walking and was given Acupuncture treatment for urine related problem for around 18 days. The urination issue has been rectified.

Mrs. Anagha Kalyan
My name is Mrs. Arpita Manoj Gambir and am staying in Oman. I had a problem with my right hand. It had an acute pain due to which I was not able to lift my hand. Doctor suggested to get X-Ray done and as per report he concluded that there is a gap in between 3rd and 4th Vertebra. Doctor further suggested to get MRI scan done. Recently I visited India and got reference of Mr. Avadhut Shetye (Sir) from one of my friend. I decided to visit Sir's clinic at Kalyan for treatment and with in 2 days of the treatment, I was able to lift my hand without any pain. Sir had rectified the issue with in no time and am really happy that I am relieved from this pain and problem with my hand.

Mrs. Arpita Manoj Gambir Kalyan
My name is Mrs. Vandana Sasurde and am 63 years old. Since past 1 year I was not able to sit properly. I was having acute pain in legs and knees as am over weight. I visited Sir's clinic and after day's treatment am able to sit properly without any pain. Now am able to sit in vajrasan and also with folded legs. Am already relieved from all the pains in just one day treatment. Thanks to Sir and I would recommend the patients suffering from these problems to visit Sir's clinic and get themselves rectified.

Mrs. Vandana Sasurde Kalyan
1992 Sir visited a patient in ICU. The people started showing the reports to him. He mentioned that he will check the pulse. Pulse was missing in the patient and it was found in Liver 3. After 2 minutes treatment was started. The patient was breathing abnormally. The treating constituted of half an hour each setting only 2 settings per day. The hospital didn't allow this therapy and they had taken an undertaking from Sir. Dr. Prakash Amte was also present during the treatment of father of Mr. Kibe (Ranji Player). After 4 setting the patient's breathing was improved. After 8 settings the breathing was further improved. Heart problem was reduced, the patient started breathing normally. Nasal feeding was going on for the patient that was removed and oral feeding was initiated. Next day senior doctor came in for check-up. He was trying to find the patient's pulse for half an hour but he was not able to get it. Then Sir was called and Sir asked the specialist doctor to check the pulse at Liver 3. The specialist was shown the pulse at Liver 3. After that the specialist doctor studied the report for almost 45 minutes. Then he was told that Sir had checked the patient for 2 minutes, told us what was the problem and have started his treatment immediately and in 4 days patient's health has improved to normalcy. The doctor was quite surprised. On the 6th day patient was oral feeding was started and patient was recovered.

In 1984 Sir was himself a patient and was suffering from acute back pain for around 3 years. The top most doctors in India told that Sir should not go for an operation as post the operation he might lose both his limbs and will not be able to walk for ever. Sir then visited Doctor (In Dombivli) who treated the patients with Acupuncture and this treatment rectified Sir's problem in less than 2 months. After that Sir had shown interest in learning this therapy of Naturopathy and Acupuncture from Doctor and rest is history. Sir studied with Doctor for 6 years and since 1991, Sir has been practising in Kalyan for more than 33 odd years now. Since then Sir has treated huge number of patients and there has been no publicity done and all the patients are coming through the mouth publicity done by the patients who have been relieved of pain by Sir's treatment.

1992 While treating father of Mr. Kibe in Indore hospital, Baba Amte was also admitted in the same hospital for pacemaker insertion operation. The operation duration was for 1 hour. However the pacemaker did not suit him and another pace maker was ordered that increased the operation duration to 4.5 hours due to that the anaesthesia dosage of the patient was increased. After installing the pacemaker the doctors confirmed that the patient is out of danger and he is normal. Sir went to his room for relaxing for some time. After 15 minutes doctor checked the patient and called for an emergency as the patient was getting hiccups continuously. The senior doctor examined and mentioned that patient would only be able to live only for few hours (he would be alive till 9 am next day). Next day at around 8.55 am Sir visited hospital. Sir was surprised to see lot of people crying in the hospital corridor. Sir checked with Dr Prakash Amte as he was also crying. Dr Prakash mentioned Sir that patient is in the last stage. He also mentioned that patient is having continuous hiccups. Sir asked Dr Prakash to allow him to do carry out the treatment. Sir did the treatment for stopping the hiccups issue and after that the patient was normal and out of danger. Sir then went to check some other patients in ICU. Sir went to ICU at around 9 am and was busy till around 1.00 pm. Till this time Dr Prakash Amte was waiting outside the ICU for Sir to come out. Dr Prakash saw Sir coming out of ICU and he started crying. Sir started sweating due to fear in the ICU (AC environment) and was thinking that he should have checked Baba Amte in between. Dr Prakash hugged Sir as Sir curiously checked with him about the patient. Dr Prakash mentioned that his tears were of happiness and the patient is out of danger and his heart has been regenerated. In the evening Sir felt as if he is called by someone and he immediately went to ICU. To his surprise, the patient (Baba Amte) wanted to see the person who has rectified his problems. There were 4 specialist doctors, Dr Prakash Amte and the patient in the room. Sir mentioned that he was leaving the place and asked Baba to give him blessings to which Baba mentioned that Sir is like a God for him, the saviour of his life and how can he give blessings to God. To which Senior Doctor mentioned Baba that "you are a father figure for all of us and please bless him". Baba replied that "I would have died at 9 am however this young person has given me additional life. I will bless him for his wellbeing till the rest of my life". The senior doctor looking at Sir mentioned" We know Baba for a pretty long time and you are lucky enough to get his blessings". Sir was accompanied by his assistant Ashish Hingole during this visit. Sir then with his assistant came back to his native. After that Baba Amte lived for more 16 odd years. In these 16 odd years Baba was fit and fine and was not required to take any medicines for heart issues as his heart was working absolutely fine.

Around 8 odd years back in 2009 there was one Maharaja who had come for treatment. He was suffering from arthritis. He was not able to sit with folded legs for more than 6 years. He was the chief of Jain Dharma Gurus. He came all the way from Kutch. He had come for some rituals in Mulund after which his disciples took him to Sir's place for treatment. He was aged around 70 years. Promptly Sir started treating the Maharaja as per the process. During the treatment Sir was standing on patients back. After the first setting itself Maharaja was majorly relieved and had started sitting on floor with folded legs (that he was not able to do for more than 6 years). After 4 days of setting Maharaja had recovered fully and was now able to sit in padmasan and vajrasan.

A patient named Pandit aged around 84 years came from Nagpur for the treatment. He was having itching problem on entire body from 4 years. He had tried all the different types of treatments for this issue without any relief. Mr. Pandit asked Sir whether he will be relieved from this problem. Sir started checking the pulse of Mr. Pandit and replied back stating that he will be relieved from this problem that day itself. After that Sir followed his regular process of Basti (Anima), then piercing needles (Acupuncture) for 20 minutes. Sir asked Mr. Pandit that he was not getting itching sensation since the treatment had started. This patient was a renowned person. His actual name was Bapat however he was given the degree of Pandit for his knowledge. Sir explained the treatment to Mr. Pandit that he treated his soul during the treatment. Sir explained further that Mr. Pandit was upset of one thing that he is a well-known person and such a knowledgeable one however his son was not up to his levels. This was the reason of sadness that was causing itching sensation to Mr. Pandit. The treatment given to Mr. Pandit cured him in a day as he had a high spiritual level where as for a normal man it would have taken at least 10 days for completing similar treatment. Mr. Pandit who normally did not eat or drink water at some others place as a practise had Laddu, Water & tea at Sir's place stating that this is a divine place next to his Guru.

One patient aged around 70 years was suffering from paralysis and he was not able to move. He was bed ridden for more than a year. This patient had a very good knowledge regarding spirituality and had hundreds of disciples. Very famous personality in Pune. Sir was taken to the patient's home by one of his relative. His relative was having a fear whether patient would allow Sir to treat him or not. Due to paralysis problem the patient was not even able to speak. Sir has visited this patient at least 4 times and has hardly spoken to him started speak with Sir tirelessly. It was really a surprise that the person who was not able to speak to any one for all this years, was seen speaking tirelessly with Sir.

A child of the age of around 3 years was having swelling on his body. He was given a treatment by Sir for 10 minutes. The child enjoyed the treatment and after 10 minutes swelling problem was resolved and the child was back to normal.

One patient named Mr. Patil who was 78 odd years old was having eye sight problem. He was not able to read even after wearing spectacles. Doctors had suggested that the operation also would not help much in his case and he has to live with it as it was because of his age. Someone had suggested this patient to visit Sir however the patient denied initially stating that Sir only treats patient who are having bones and muscular problems. After thinking for a long time ultimately he visited Sir for eye sight issue. The treatment was started and in 12 days the patient was able read the minutest details of the newspaper.

One lady patient was pregnant and was admitted to the hospital. The doctor had taken her for delivery and caesarean was planned. Sir was called to the hospital for carrying out painless delivery. The doctor had requested Sir to permit her to stay back to see the process carried out for painless delivery. Sir went to the labour room and within 4 hours the lady got delivered without caesarean (Normal delivery) without pain.

One lady was pregnant for the second time. The first time delivery was through caesarean. Second time also she was admitted for caesarean. Before the delivery the patients BP had shoot up and she was having lot of swelling on her legs. Doctor suggested to go for caesarean. Patient's husband contacted Sir for normal painless delivery. Sir suggested bringing the patient at his clinic. The lady was treated for 2 days and on the 3rd day she delivered the baby with normal delivery in 20 minutes. Her BP was normal, no swelling problem.
One doctor was suffering from prolatis. He was referred to Sir by one of the common friend. Sir surprised the doctor by saying that he will be fit and fine in a month's time. Sir suggested the doctor to religiously follow the treatment. After a month the doctor was relieved from the disease.
One doctor was having a unique problem of going for urination every half hour when he was idle. If he was doing some operation for 4 hours then he was not facing this problem. During night time also he was facing the problem and had not slept properly for a very long time. Sir has suggested 10 days treatment for this problem. 2nd day onwards the issue was reduced and the doctor was able to sleep continuously for 6 hours on that day. Within 10 days the problem was completely rectified.
One 16 year old patient was not able to see and walk properly had come for the treatment. Sir treated this patient and 8 days he was able to walk properly. He was given some steroid due to which he had lost his eyesight. The doctors had suggested for operation however there was a complication that due to steroid the blood clotting was not possible. The doctor was worried that if during the operation the blood did not clot and could result in an emergency. Sir assured the doctor that he was aware of this issue and he has already cured the patient for this also during those 8 days treatment. The operation was carried out for the patient and not even a single drop of blood was dropped out. Post the operation the eyesight was restored for the patient.
One patient had a problem for 6 years. As soon as the patient used to sit for having food and take the 1st bite he used to get vomiting. After vomiting he used to have the food normally. He faced this problem especially when he used to visit some functions such as Marriages, Parties etc. Due to this unique problem patient had stopped attending such functions for around 6 years. He had tried lot of doctors and lot of medicines for this issue but could not recover from the issue. The patient also studied Ayurveda by his own and in the process had published 2 books on Ayurveda and had received tremendous accolades for the books however the core issue still remained unresolved. After all this, he had visited Sir for the treatment and enquired as to within how many days would he be relieved from this problem. Sir started diagnosing the pulse of this patient and informed him that this unique problem will be cured that day itself and he will not have vomiting issue post the treatment. The patient was surprised to hear and the treatment was started immediately. After the treatment Sir mentioned the patient that his problem was resolved and he can give a follow up call to Sir after a month. After months' time patient called Sir and happily mentioned that his problem was resolved and had invited Sir for having lunch with him as he wanted to understand how the issue got resolved.
One of the saints visited Sir and she was suffering from acute body pain for quite a few years. She had taken lot of pain killers for this problem however still the issue persisted. Sir started working on this problem. After the treatment all the pain of the patient was released and she was very happy to notice that her body ache problem was resolved completely. During the treatment the patient had witnessed that she had gone into the Trans mode during the 7th minute of the treatment. She was very happy with this new feeling.
In 1995 there was one lady patient who was suffering from Slip disk issue and there was an operation planned for this issue. Instead she visited Sir's clinic and got relived from the problem in a month.
One patient from Ahmedabad was not able to write or hold pen in hand due to some problem. Sir treated him and in 1 setting only he was able to write. He was very happy to write his signature after 4 odd years.
There was one lady patient from Ulhasnagar who was suffering from heart problem having pain in the heart continuously for 8 years. The doctors had suggested for surgery however the patient had denied for it. Sir had given the treatment to the lady and within a setting itself the heart pain was released completely. The pain of 8 odd years was rectified within 20 odd minute's treatment. She was treated for a month for complete recovery.
Sir had visited to one of the Vaidya for getting some information. There was one lady patient who had come to Vaidya for treatment of a typical problem. The lady was operated for Uterus and post the operation she had lost the sensation of urination. She was suffering from this problem for more than 2 years. Vaidya had given medication to this lady for 2 months and there was an improvement of only 10%. Vaidya asked Sir whether he can get this sorted out. Sir attended the lady and gave the treatment and her problem was rectified.
One patient named Shukla had visited who was having red burns on his body and they were itching. Sir decided to give the treatment Basti and then steam to this patient. When the patient went for steam within 2 minutes he was shouting as the itching had increased considerably. However after some time all this sustained and he was completely recovered from the issue.
Once Sir was travelling in train from Dhule. Within few minutes of the journey he got introduced to one patient suffering from brain tumour. He was going to a hospital for the operation of tumour that was scheduled in few days. Sir asked the patient whether he was suffering from the symptoms like headache, vomiting, giddiness, imbalance while walking etc. to which the patient replied negatively. Sir gave the 2 clinic address (one of Vaidya in Dhule and one his own clinic) to this patient without disclosing his identity and asked the patient to visit. After around a month that patient's son came to Sir's clinic and was surprised to see Sir giving treatment. He continued mentioning about the patient that his father was admitted to the hospital for the operation. He was taken on the operation table and then the doctors realised that the machinery that was needed for operation was not working properly and hence the operation was postpone and the patient was given discharge. After reaching Dhule, the patient was taken to Vaidya who treated the patient for 15 days and the patient was fully recovered from the problem. Son of the patient further mentioned that he had curiosity and hence had visited clinic. He enquired that why Sir did not disclose his identity in the train itself to which Sir mentioned that they might not have believed him as Sir was pretty young then (around 29 odd years).
Sir did first Acupuncture treatment to his uncle. His uncle was aged around 43 years. One day he went for latrine and could not get up after that. He was lifted by 2 persons and while stepping out of the place he collapsed. He was taken to the hospital and the doctors suggested for certain tests. The patient relatives called Sir and he suggested to his uncle that uncle has to stay for around 2 months with him for the treatment. The treatment was started the next day. After 15 days of treatment, uncle's 6 doctor friends had visited him. The patient's health was deteriorating. Nobody was trusting Sir at that point only patient was trusting him. After 3 weeks of treatment there were positive response seen in the treatment and within 45 days uncle recovered fully from his problem.
One lady named Bhavna from Kandivli aged around 33 years visited Sir for ligaments tear problem as other doctors had suggested her for an operation. She came to Sir's clinic for treatment. She was weighing around 86 Kgs. Sir suggested her that she will be fit and fine in 22 days post the treatment. After 1st day treatment that lady was able to walk, after 2nd day she was able to climb the staircase after 3rd day she started walking briskly. After 7th day, her weight got reduced by 8 Kgs. After 22nd day she got recovered fully and now she even drives a vehicle without any problem.
One patient named Jassubhai from Kalyan had met an accident and he was operated for hip bone operation. After he reached home, he asked Sir to visit him. The doctors had suggested 3 months complete rest to him however he was having son's marriage within few days. Sir visited him and started the treatment at patients home initially. After 1st day treatment Sir kept walker in front of him and asked the patient to walk with the help of walker. Everybody was happy looking that the patient started walking in a day's treatment. 3rd day patient was able to sit in Vajrasan. 10th day patient was able to walk properly. From 11th day onwards patient visited clinic for treatment and was able to attend his son's wedding held at Rajkot on the scheduled date and time.
In 1994, a lady named Kanchan had come for treatment. She was 5 months pregnant. She was having severe heart problem. The lady was told by the other doctors to go for an abortion as she had to be operated for open heart surgery for her heart problem. She had come for heart problem treatment. Sir checked the pulse and had found that the baby was not rotating in her body for the past 10 days. Sir asked the lady whether she had informed her doctor about this to which lady mentioned that the doctor stated that such things happen sometime. Sir said that he will give the treatment first to rectify the baby related issue. She was given 10 minutes treatment and the baby related problem was resolved. The next day, the lady mentioned Sir that both the problems of her (heart related and baby delivery) had to be treated by Sir only. The lady was treated for 27 days for heart problem and after that all the heart related reports were normal. When this lady was in the seventh month of pregnancy, She tried to get her name enrolled for delivery at all the major hospitals in Kalyan and Ulhasnagar however no one was ready to accept her case due to the background of heart problem. Sir referred her to one of the hospital in Sion. The lady doctor read her file and inspite of patient mentioning that the heart related issue had been resolved the lady doctor asked the lady to visit another doctor. After looking at her file doctor suggested her to go to a bigger hospital as the hospital was equipped to take care of the complications that were anticipated during her delivery. The lady was demoralized and visited Sir the next day. Sir contacted one of his doctor friend and requested to get the lady's name enrolled in the hospital. The friend agreed however again when she checked her file, Sir's friend also was worried to which Sir mentioned that he will accompany for the delivery of that lady. After the completion of 9 months the lady started getting labour pains and that lady got admitted to the hospital. Sir's friend called him for the delivery. Sir replied back to discharge the lady as there was still some time left for delivery. After the stipulated time Sir asked the lady to get admitted to the hospital and before even Sir could reach for delivery, the lady delivered a healthy baby of 9.5 pounds. The delivery was normal one.
There was a lady of around 24 years working in pathology lab as tester. She had lost the sensation of fingers of her toe due to which she was not able to walk normally. She had visited lot of doctors for the issue. One of the doctors mentioned that she was suffering of leprosy at that place and treated her for the same. Someone suggested her to visit Sir's clinic. After observation, Sir stated that she does not have leprosy and asked her to stop medication immediately. Sir asked her to call her parents. Sir mentioned not to worry and she will be alright. After 1st day of treatment, she started walking properly and was happy. Next day she was accompanied by her father. The father was very happy and relieved as the parents were worried about the future of their daughter considering she was having leprosy. After the treatment she became normal and now has been married and living happily.
One patient who was bodyguard to the commissioner had come to Sir for his problem. His neck was injured while playing kabaddi. He was treated and the problem was resolved.
In 1997, a doctor who was suffering from back ache and was having ulcers in his mouth approached Sir for the treatment. He was treated for 10 minutes and was relieved from the problem. The next day the doctor delivered lecture without any problem and asked Sir to treat him further. During the treatment Sir adjusted the dislocated spine and the issue was resolved. Doctor asked Sir as to how he came to know about the problem that he was carrying for so long and he had never told Sir about the problem and still Sir rectified the issue. He was very happy with the way he was relieved from the issue.
There was a couple from Dombivli suffering from infertility issue. They were married for 12 years however they did not had a baby. They had visited lots of doctors and had done lots of treatments however nothing worked. They had come to Sir for sorting this issue out. After 1st setting itself the results were as expected and the lady was pregnant in 3 months. After 9 months the lady delivered the baby boy.
One boy named Jeevan and aged 5 years was brought for the treatment. He was not able to walk. After 5 minutes of treatment Sir held his hand and the boy started walking.
One person had undergone piles operation 4 times. He was operated for 14 times for various parts of the body. He was admitted in a hospital for operation. The patient just remembered about Sir and called him. Sir asked the patient to take the discharge from the hospital and visit his clinic. The patient reached at 11 am to the clinic and insisted Sir to get him relived from the problem. The patient was treated and in one setting itself the issue was resolved. Sir took the patient to his home on his motor cycle (Patient was not able to sit properly before the treatment). Patient had food by sitting with folded legs and was very happy. Post the 5 days treatment patient had never witnessed Piles problem.